I found a fun writing prompt that inspired today’s post. Since it’s Valentine’s Day I thought I’d take some time to reflect on some of the things I love the most. Finish this sentence in 25 different ways:
I love…
- my children (even at 3 am)
- to see my two boys playing together
- to watch Chase’s imagination unfold
- to be the one who makes everything better when my children are upset
- to have a good laugh…the kind that makes your cheeks hurt, leaves you keeled over i
n pain with tears running down your face…yeah that kind!
- smores…what’s not to love about smores?
- to be planning something – a dinner, an outing, our next adventure!
- animals, especially my adorable kitties
- to spend time with my Mom who I appreciate more and more with each passing year
- deep and soulful conversation that never runs dry
- a glass of red wine…maybe a Malbec or a Cabernet Sauvingnon and even better when paired with #10
- the beach…it truly is my happy place
- learning new things
- the Kardashians (I know, I know… it’s my guilty pleasure)
- the great outdoors – hiking, camping, parks, travel, nature
- pulling on a soft cozy pair of chenille socks…it’s like walking on clouds
- relaxing around the backyard bonfire and even better when paired with #6 and #11
- listening to music that: a) makes me want to groove b) makes me feel like I can conquer the world c) makes me cry
- driving with the sun roof open especially when paired with #18
- a great fitting pair of jeans – the kind that make you feel great no matter what angle you look in the mirror
- a big disorganized mess, because then I have the exciting challenge of organizing (I’m not kidding)
- Reese peanut butter cups…I should have moved this a little higher on the list
- long drives off the beaten path; it’s incredible the hidden treasures you find when taking the road less traveled
- coffee, this is an essential to enjoying #1 through #4
- my friends who continuously show me unconditional love and support
This was a fun exercise and I could have kept going…what’s on your list?
Come to my house! I can knock quite a few off that list!!❤
It’s no surprise, the people I love, share the same loves!! I would love to come and knock a few off the list with you! 🙂